Wednesday, June 07, 2006

A cool breeze

This is the Hunter Original Classic Series ceiling fan that we are getting for the living room in the 1st and 2nd floors.

One of the nice things about where we live is the breeze off the lake. Our building faces east, which is towards the lake that is 2 blocks away from us.

We get a nice cross breeze many times. A ceiling fan maximizes this potential.

People who live in the suburbs or farther west turn their a/c on way before we do here near the lake. The lake in Chicago is a real respite for all, rich and poor, young and old.
Daniel Burnham designed it that way- for all the people.

Around my neighborhood, there are many people
who work to protect our lakefront. Rogers Park is the only neighborhood in Chicago with unobstructed access to the lake-meaning- you can walk down a sidestreet right up to the beach. Most other neighborhoods have expressways between the neighborhood and the park/lake or else highrises have been built right on the beach or there are private homes in blocking access north of the city.

We think it's something special and people around here fight tenaciously to keep it this way.

I'll leave you with a classic Burnham quote.

Make no Little Plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting with growing intensity.

Daniel Burnham, 1909 Chicago Plan


StuccoHouse said...

I have that fan in my living room. I don't have air, but it is amazing how cool that fan can keep things. Good choice :-)

merideth said...

wahoo! blogger is finally accepting comments!

Okay, so your post made me want to suggest an excellent book if you havent read it: Devil and the White City by Eric Larson. It's non-fic that follows the parallels of Burnam et al's development of the World's Fair with the story of a serial killer who was active in Chicago at the same time. Excellent read if you havent already snapped it up.

merideth said...

wahoo! blogger is finally accepting comments!

Okay, so your post made me want to suggest an excellent book if you havent read it: Devil and the White City by Eric Larson. It's non-fic that follows the parallels of Burnam et al's development of the World's Fair with the story of a serial killer who was active in Chicago at the same time. Excellent read if you havent already snapped it up.

Jocelyn said...

Meredith- that has got to be one of my all-time favorite books. It combines 2 of my favorite subjects: history of Chicago (architectural slant) and true crime. Thanks for mentioning it. Glad you liked it too!