Thursday, June 02, 2005


We all look forward to this point I think, putting the finishing touches on a room or selecting the objects we will have on display. Sometimes the wait seems ever so long to get to this point.

While we were in Ludington, we did some yard sailing and antiquing and since not much is happening this week on the house, I thought I'd post some of our recent acquisitions to pass the time.

What kitchen is complete without a Wagner cast iron skillet after all.

Here are some things for the pantry. I am going to have a shelf of dry goods in glass jars.
I have some more glass jars that match pretty well stored in the basement.

That wire basket in back is from England and dated 1938.

Porcelain from pre-occupied Japan. Rooster unknown.
Folk Art Teapot has an opening for a small object and dates from the 1940's.

Dog nutcracker (we like dogs)

This weekend, we have a (sigh) family obligation so we won't be able to tile. We will finish installing the brackets and take care of some other odds and ends.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Love the cast iron skillet. I have 3 of them but I’m not sure if I can use them anymore. I had them in storage in one of the garages below the rental units. The wax seal broke on the toilets in one of the apartments and leaked on to the box with the skillets. They had standing "water" in them. Now, I could clean them and still use them. The question is, do I really want to.