Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Whilst I whiled away the weekend in Connecticut

Steve was busy with the following:

Being a landlord
(It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.)
The exterminator came to set up the mouse traps upstairs.
I don't even want to tell you what they caught in one of their glue traps over the weekend because it made it difficult for me to fall asleep last night.

Framing the entry
(still not finished- it's a work of art and these things take time right?)

Notice the Great Stuff filling in the gaps- we love Great Stuff! Well, actually we love the stuff except for the fact that a can fell off the ladder onto Steve's head on Saturday- that kinda hurt.

Steve has a few more boards to go and he needs to put in the door strikes before we drywall.
We also are big fans of shims. God bless the ability to buy shims right off the shelf.

and most exciting...going to the Woodshop
(in Lincoln Park not our local one, which is sadly closed for the time being)

Word on the street is that it will reopen after they manage to hire someone, which takes a while since they have to do FBI background checks and alotta paperwork before anyone gets hired.

Steve cut out the finishing pieces for our brackets. These will go in between the brackets under the shelves and hide the under shelf light fixtures.

This weekend I have more wood to "clean."
Maybe I'll insulate the ceiling in the entry depending on how things go. It's a small room and it's hard for both of us to work in there at once. Been there - done that- in our bathroom.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jocelyn! Thanks for the post and for wondering about me, my friend! We've been very, very busy around here... not entirely with the house, either. We've actually done a bit more, but thought I'd save the post until we were finished with the project.

When my children were in public school a few years back, Eric Carle visited their school! How interesting to read in your blog about his museum! And I love the pictures you took... of everything! Sounds like you had a wonderful time, too!

Have a great day!

Greg said...

Blog spam I think is the worst form of spam. It seems so pointless. How desperate are these people. They always seem to hit in spurts. It is very odd.

The tile in the entry looks very cool. This is what I want to do in the back bathroom/mudroom. I couldn't help notice that they had to fudge the design to make it fit. I think that just adds to the charm. Again, it is one of those things that the casual eye won't pick up. It is only when you get to stare at a photograph that you notice such things.

When I think about doing the bathroom/mudroom, having to fudge the design to make it fit is my biggest fear. I guess I shouldn't be so worried about it.

Jocelyn said...

Greg- I hate blogger spam too.

I can't recall if I noticed the fudge job on the tile in the entry-I see to think I have. But this is a great example of how things aren't "perfect" but are aestheticly pleasing nonetheless. Things like that don't bother me as much as the sub par workmanship that you see in new buildings so often. :)