I am a person that is not really afraid of bugs in general. I've been known to smash ants or small moths with my bare hands. Centipedes are a different story. Those, I tend to sick Billie on. Terriers come in handy in this way.
But I am in awe of the spider that dwells in our gangway. First of all, I am convinced this creature is a genius as it it selected probably the best location on our property. And it is eating very well- I've stood there and watched it.
Here it is. Isn't it amazing?
Hi from Talca, Chile, is a beautiful blog and pretty photos, congratulations.
Do you want to know my city?, visit my blog "talca en frecuencia".
Have a nice day!
This seems to be the time of year when the big guys come out; we have one by our back door that I swear is as long as my thumb!
I agree, your spidey is Amazing and beautiful! Just in time for Halloween!
He is amazing. You have the most authentic halloween deco right there!
Dear Jocelyn,
just discovered your blogs. THANK YOU!
please forward this INFO to anyone you think would be interested------
COLLEEN plumbimage@earthlink.net
I am writing because I am trying to spread the word about a community garden (Sophia Garden) at 1231 W. LOYOLA..
It is a beautiful and thriving garden due to be destroyed for a Loyola construction project.
A committee has been meeting with Loyola to try and keep it a greenspace but to no avail…. . .
I believe the missing link is community awareness about it and I wonder if you could help spread the word about this. And more importantly come to the community meeting that will be tuesday Oct. 14
Flyers are being circulated about the meeting. (see below)
Loyola University is the owner of the city lots where the Sophia Garden currently thrives. Loyola has generously allowed the Chicago Waldorf School to cultivate, maintain, and use the wonderful Sophia Garden for the past 10 years! This has been a rare and gracious opportunity and gift. In the past few years the garden has turned into a nature haven for Loyola students, local residents, and community members along with the students and families from the Waldorf school down the block. Let’s gather to make this a shared community garden.
Loyola had leased the land to a developer who WAS to begin construction of condominiums on the garden in November but the developer has pulled out and the Loyola plans have changed: there is perhaps a window of opportunity to save this AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL greenspace!!!!!!!!!
The grasshoppers, butterflies, BEES, and rabbits will lose their habitat! Where can they go? The potential impact of the loss of this REAL greenspace is widespread. Perhaps with enough community support this greenspace can be spared, with your support perhaps Loyola will realize the assets and possibilities inherent in saving this important community garden. Let’s brainstorm together!!!!!!
Please come and help build community and make a difference with your neighbors. A VITAL and important TRUE greenspace where an entire ecosystem is flourishing will be saved. This land has value beyond calculation. Please help prevent the loss of this thriving natural haven in the city of Chicago. Saving this garden will support and enhance a more vibrant community, create connectedness, create endless opportunities for the University and its students, show a rare and sorely needed respect for nature, and the largest impact could be on the local children and adults who will have a place to experience nature in an urban space. Please come to the meeting and spread the word.
flyer text:
What do you think about gardens and green space in Rogers Park?
The ten-year-old Sophia Garden at 1231 W Loyola Avenue is scheduled for development in November. How will the loss of this community green space affect you?
Please join a new coalition of neighbors and friends of the garden to make connections, offer your suggestions and help brainstorm creative solutions to ensure that we continue to have vibrant gardens and green space Rogers Park.
Tuesday, October 14
1331 W Albion Avenue in Rogers Park
children are welcome. refreshments provided.
We have some biggies (spiders) in the OP but few spectacular webs. We were used to some giant beauties when we lived in Edgewater. It must have been the lake proximity.
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